Language Research Centre

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van Gompel


Here are some random (not necessarily representative) recent publications from LaRC:

Journal Articles:
  • Visual (Written) Language Comprehension:

    • van Gompel, R.P.G., Arai, M. & Pearson, J. (2012). The representation of mono- and intransitive structures. Journal of Memory and Language, 66(2), 384-406.
    • Pynte, J., New, B., & Kennedy, A. (2009). On-line contextual influences during reading normal text: the role of nouns, verbs and adjectives. Vision Research, 49, 544-552.
    • Pynte, J., New, B., & Kennedy, A. (2009). On-line syntactic and semantic influences revisited. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 3(1):5, 1-12.
    • Murray, W.S., & Forster, K.I. (2008). The Rank Hypothesis and Lexical Decision: A reply to Adelman and Brown (2008). Psychological Review, 115(1), 240-252.
    • Murray, W.S. (2006). The nature and time course of pragmatic plausibility effects. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 35(1), 79-99.
    • Murray, W.S., & Forster, K.I. (2004). Serial mechanisms in lexical access: The rank hypothesis. Psychological Review, 111, 721-756.
  • Auditory (Spopken) Language Comprehension:

    • Kamide, Y. (2012). Learning individual talkers' structural preferences, Cognition. 124, 66-71.
    • Altmann, G.T.M., & Kamide, Y. (2009). Discourse-mediation of the mapping between language and the visual world: Eye movements and mental representation. Cognition, 111, 55-71.
    • Kamide, Y. (2008). Anticipatory processes in sentence processing. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2/4, 647-670.
    • Carminati, M.N., van Gompel, R.P.G., Scheepers, C. & Arai, M. (2008). Syntactic Priming in Comprehension: the Role of Argument Order and Animacy. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 34(5), 1098-1110.
    • Altmann, G.M.T., & Kamide, Y. (2007). The real-time mediation of visual attention by language and world knowledge: Linking anticipatory (and other) eye movements to linguistic processing. Journal of Memory and Language, 57, 502-518.
  • Language Production:

    • Melinger, A. & Abdel Rahman, R. (2013). Lexical selection is competitive: evidence from indirectly activated semantic associates during picture naming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 39(2), 348-364.
    • Eisner, F, Melinger, A., & Weber, A. (2013). Constraints on the transfer of perceptual learning in accented speech. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 148.
    • Fukumura, K., & van Gompel, R. (2012). Producing Pronouns and Definite Noun Phrases: Do Speakers Use the Addressee's Discourse Model?. Cognitive Science, 36 (7), 1289-1311.
    • Rahman, R.A., & Melinger, A. (2011). The dynamic microstructure of speech production: semantic interference built on the fly. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 37(1), 149-161.
    • Fukumura, K., van Gompel, R.P.G., Harley, T.A., & Pickering, M.J. (2011). How does similarity-based interference affect the choice of referring expression?. Journal of Memory and Language, 65(3), 331-344.
    • Fukumura, K., & van Gompel, R.P.G. (2011). The effect of animacy on the choice of referring expression. Language and Cognitive Processes, 26(10), 1472-1504.
  • Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication:

    • Melinger, A., & Kita, S. (2007). Conceptual load triggers gesture production. Language and Cognitive Processes, 22(4), 473-500.
    • Melinger, A., & Levelt, W. (2004). Gesture and the communicative intention of the speaker. Gesture(4), 119-141.
  • Child Language Development:

    • Duncan, L.G., Castro, S.L., Defior, S, Seymour, P.H.K., Baillie, S., Leybaert, J., Mousty, P., Genard, N., Sarris, M., Porpodas, C.D., Lund, R., Sigurdsson, B., Thráinsdóttir, A.S., Sucena, A., & Serrano, F. (2013). Phonological development in relation to native language and literacy: variations on a theme in six alphabetic orthographies. Cognition, 127(3), 398-419.
    • Quémart, P, Casalis, S., & Duncan, L.G. (2012). Exploring the role of bases and suffixes when reading familiar and unfamiliar words: evidence from French young readers. Scientific Studies of Reading, 16(5), 424-442.
    • Duncan, L.G., Gray, E, Quémart, P., & Casalis, S. (2010). Do good and poor readers make use of morphemic structure in English word recognition?. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 9-10, 143-160.
    • Duncan, L.G., Casalis, S., & Cole, P. (2009). Early metalinguistic awareness of derivational morphology: Observations from a comparison of English and French. Applied Psycholinguistics, 30(3), 405-440.
  • Bilingualism:

    • Commissaire, E., Duncan, L.G., & Casalis, S. (2011). Cross-language transfer of orthographic processing skills: a study of French children who learn English at school. Journal of Research in Reading, 34(1), 59-76.
    • Kantola, L., &  van Gompel, R.P.G. (2011).  Between- and within-language priming is the same: evidence for shared bilingual syntactic representations. Memory and Cognition, 39(2), 276-290.
  • Neuropsychology of Language:

    • Harley, T.A. (2012). Why the earth is almost flat: Imaging and the death of cognitive psychology. Cortex, 48(10), 1371-1372.
    • Aristei, S, Melinger, A & Rahman, RA. (2011). Electrophysiological chronometry of semantic context effects in language production. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(7), 1567-1586.
    • Harley, T.A. & Raftopoulos, A (2010). Cognition and perception: how do psychology and neural science inform philosophy? Perception, 39(3), 441-442.
  • Eye Movements & Language:

    • Radach, R., & Kennedy, A. (2013). Eye movements in reading : Some theoretical context. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66, 429-452.
    • Kennedy, A., Pynte, J., Murray, W. S. & Paul, S-A. (2012). Frequency and predictability effects in the Dundee Corpus: An eye movement analysis. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 601-618.
    • Van Gompel, R.P.G., Fischer, M.H., Murray, W.S., & Hill, R.L. (2007). Eye-movement research: An overview of current and past developments. In R.P.G. van Gompel, M.H. Fischer, W.S. Murray, & R.L. Hill (Eds.). Eye movements: A window on mind and brain. Oxford: Elsevier.

    (also see articles on Visual / Auditory Language Comprehension above)

  • Ageing & Language:

    • Harley, T.A., Oliver, T.M., Jessiman, L.J., & MacAndrew, S.B.G. (2013). Ageing makes us dyslexic. Aphasiology, 27(4), 490-505.
    • Harley, T.A., Jessiman, L.J., & MacAndrew, S.B.G. (2011). Decline and fall: a biological, developmental, and psycholinguistic account of deliberative language processes and ageing. Aphasiology, 25(2), 123-153.
    • Harley, T.A ., Jessiman, L.J., MacAndrew, S.B.G., & Astell, A. (2008). I don't know what I know: evidence of preserved semantic knowledge but impaired metalinguistic knowledge in adults with probable Alzheimer's disease . Aphasiology, 22(3), 321-335.


·         Harley, T.A. (2010). Psycholinguistics. (SAGE Library of Cognitive and Experimental Psychology). SAGE Publications Ltd.

·         Harley, T.A. (2010). Talking the talk: Language, psychology and science. Psychology Press, Hove.

·         Harley, T.A. (2008). The psychology of language: From data to theory, 3rd Edition, Psychology Press, Hove.

·         Van Gompel, R.P.G., Fischer, M.F., Murray, W.S., & Hill, R.L. (2007). Eye movements: A window on mind and brain. Oxford: Elsevier.

Non-Academic Books:

Some of us are also known  as authors of fictions:

·         Kennedy, A. (2011). The broken bell. Lasserrade Press.

·         Kennedy, A.(2010). The boat in the bay. Lasserrade Press.

·         Harley, T.A. (2010). Dirty old rascal.

Language Research Centre, School of Psychology University of Dundee, Dundee, DD1 4HN
Scotland, UK